Recent content by Lance

  1. L

    Carbon Fiber Cigar Case HELP

    The wait is on then.
  2. L

    Carbon Fiber Cigar Case HELP

    Ok, I am looking for a carbon fiber cigar case, but i am a bit particular about what I want. I want it to be real carbon fiber, not the vinyl sticker stuff. And I would like it to look like the Xikar case I could have sworn there was a Xikar carbon fiber case, but I cant find it anywhere...
  3. L

    Djarum Black

    Used to smoke the Blacks then i switched to Djarum Splash. The myth i heard was that they crystalize parts of your lungs (i guess where the exchange of oxygen and CO2 happens) and when you cough, they shatter. Right.... The reality was that after 6 months of smoking, I was coughing up stuff...
  4. L

    Padron Family Reserve #44 Maduro

    Does anyone know anything about these? I searched online, and there is 1 review here and other than that it seems to be an elusive beast. Picture from the review can be found here Apparently there was a Padron event at Holts in Philadelphia last night and Jorge Padron brought these special...
  5. L

    Don Rigo Cigars, can someone tell me about these?

    Ron and Fez are the best show on any radio, xm, fm, am, sirius, pod cast. All box down to R & F
  6. L

    Something went so very very wrong.

    None of those are cigars.....
  7. L

    Ashton VSG vs Padron Anni. 64- Super Premium Face Off

    Cant you buy both? :) For me it would depend on time of year. Maduros in winter, not maduros in summer. So if I were buying to smoke now, PAM. However, since I am a fuente whore, VSG, and Anejos for this time of year. PAMs are good though. PANs arent bad either, i just prefer a maduro wrapper.
  8. L

    Last Cigar of 2006 and first cigar of 2007.

    last, 05 hemingway maduro classic maybe an opus first i dont know.
  9. L

    Question about Anejo #77 Shark

    Except he Fuente doesnt sell them for 35 bucks a stick, greedy cigar vendors do. If you are fortunate enough to find a vendor that doesnt gouge, you will spend 8.50 for the shark, 50 cents less than the 55.
  10. L

    Most expensive Anejo?

    No 55 is selling for 9.00 bucks by me... I love holts =)
  11. L

    Smoking Room!

    I like it, how well does it work? Any stale smoke smell the next day?
  12. L

    New Anejos pretty dusty?

    Trust me man, they are mold. There has been a lot of problems with this years shipments.
  13. L

    My fuente collection

    I KNEW your collection was better! Well, just as good. I dont see enough VSG's =P
  14. L

    My fuente collection

    I figure since all of you are smoking Cubans, I might as well too. ;)
  15. L

    Anejo mold rumor

    Its really sad that the people at holts have said its plume. I know a few of them should know the difference.