Recent content by poker

  1. P

    So how many So. CA BOTL are there?

    theres usually a herf here at my place once a month or so. Theres 20+ guys that are not frequent posters here that attend most times.
  2. P

    So how many So. CA BOTL are there?

    Kelly (the mean ol mod) from Gardena (just south of LAX)
  3. P

    More Comedy

    :r so true!
  4. P

    More Comedy

    :r I cannot argue that
  5. P

    More Comedy

    I dont own one, but I do know folks that do. I mean, its all relative to what its worth to those that have/want one. True, it works the same as a cheap 2-4 buck jobber. Just like a Lambo Murcialago will take you to the same place as a Kia will. Just like a Bic will light a cigar just as a S.T...
  6. P

    More Comedy

    More folks than you can imagine.
  7. P

    Secret place...

    ...and banned
  8. P

    Third times the charm/ How long will you deal with a stick you are not enjoying?

    As soon as Im no longer enjoying it, it goes here.
  9. P

    Hoping for a diagnosis this time...

    Good luck Kris. Prayers sent.
  10. P

    Something stinks...

    :r That got the first laugh outta me this morning
  11. P

    So I bought a bottle of the new Zaya...

  12. P

    Kauai Cigar Company

    This all I could find on it. Indeed, I found nothing on Hilo or Maui and only one “cigar shop” on Kauai: Kauai Cigar Co. For those of you who might be excited to know there’s at least one cigar store on Kauai, I should tell you that Kauai Cigar Co...
  13. P

    So I bought a bottle of the new Zaya...

    If anyone in that area wants em, they're all yours. All 4 bottles. Argonaut Wine & Liquor 700 E. Colfax Ave. Denver CO 80203
  14. P

    Annoying PM

    Bastages all of ya.:r