Search results

  1. S

    Olivia Serie V Figurado

    OK, this was one of the best cigars I've ever smoked. I did a search and couldn't find any reviews on them. The construction was absolutely superb as was the draw and flavor. Here's a pic I found of the shape. It's probably the coolest shape I've ever seen. I lit the little nub and the...
  2. S

    Great Night last night

    Had a great dinner with the wife. Had a couple pints of Alesmith's Wee Heavy (more like a lot heavy!) and went out walk around La Jolla to see Christmas lights. Lit up an AF Short Story and it was awesome. Even the light rain couldn't dampen my spirits. :) Then, we got home and put on Elf...
  3. S

    Jungle thoughts on San Cristobal

    I've been snooping around and found a handful of reviews on these. Are they overpriced for what they are? Or are these really a step above the rest? I'm thinking of buying a box and need you guys to talk me into it. :D Grease the slopes people!!! SB
  4. S

    What's gonna be your next box purchase?

    I am tinking verrrry seriously about a box of San Cristobal Fabulosos. Must resist. What's everyone else itchin fer? SB
  5. S

    What's peaking right now?

    What are the cream of the current crop when it comes to domestic cigars? Who is really hitting their stride in terms of quality and kick butt flavor? Tatuaje, Padron Anny's, Don Pepin, classics like Arturo Fuente Hemingways, Ashton VSG's? SB
  6. S

    Finding boxes of Anejos

    The only access I have to anejos every year are the few I can get my hands on from my local B&M. Having a box of these bad boys would be one of coolest things ever. Anyone willing to help a gorilla to the promised land? SB
  7. S

    Do cigars ever mess you up?

    I mean, have you ever smoked a cigar and just felt like you lost the battle? I had a LFD Maduro Chisel on Sunday and I still feel like I got smacked down. I felt fine when I was smoking it and I really liked it. It was flavorful and spicy. Just the way I like em. My friend had to take a...
  8. S

    Why does tobacco need to be humidified to taste good?

    There are a lot of threads about how to maintain proper humidity. Buy why do you need to humidify tobacco at all? It seems that the flavor of the cigar is held within the leaf and that will change with time as chemical processes change the composition of the leaf. How is humidity involved...
  9. S

    General thoughts on the RP Vinage 1999

    I've been perusing the boards trying to get info on the newest vintage from Rocky Patel. There aren't a lot of reviews on Top25Cigar or here in the reviews section. Also, I don't see many online retailers or my local shop carrying this line. From what I gather, they are mild but still complex...
  10. S

    I had a fantastic CAO Criollo last night

    Damn I love those things. It was the 4x40 that I got from CI a few months ago. What a tasty little bugger. I don't know what it is about these cigars but they rank up there with any of my other favorites. It's wierd because I spend a lot of time researching threads and reading reviews and...
  11. S

    How can you trust a tubo?

    I'm always leery of cigars I can't see. (Imaginary cigars scare the crap out of me! :D ) I have always thought that poorly constructed cigars which had something to hide were covered up with cedar or a metal tube. Yet, I've been reading a lot of threads saying that tubos are awesome and that...
  12. S

    It's 7:15 am and I want scotch and a stogie

    I've had a cough since Christmas and haven't been able to :ss or :al since then. And I've never been unhealthier! :c Plus work is sucking deez big time right now. Either my cough or my will is going to break and then I'm like a pack of :mn on my humidor. Where's my Glenlivet and double glass?
  13. S

    Am I mental???

    For wanting to get the 5 World Class Cigars sampler from Holt's because it comes with an Anejo Shark? This forum is driving us all Anejo crazy!!! :mn I feel helpless against the frenzy! SB PS: I wonder what the record is for most Anejo related posts in 1 week is...:rolleyes: :D
  14. S

    Cello and age

    Can you tell how old cigars are by how brown the cello is? I mean, I got in some CAO Criollos from a deal at CI and I was removing all the cello and I noticed that most of it was already really brown. Can I assume that these have been around a while? No wonder they were such a deal! :r SB
  15. S

    Hygrometer is a good thing

    I broke down and paid the $30 for a digital hygrometer with a remote probe so I can keep track of the humidity in my coolderdor as well as the ambient room humidity. I have 1/2 pound of 65% beads in there but I was getting mold on my cigars. It didn't make sense. Well, it made sense once I...
  16. S

    Which Gran Habano line do you prefer?

    Also, any size preference? SB
  17. S

    Friday's rant, mold and hygrometers

    First off, I got mold in my new coolerdor by over-wetting my Viper beads. :mad: So, I decided I need a hygrometer (and maybe some patience.) I called Radio Shack and asked if they had the wireless hygro I saw on their website. They did. Yay! So, on my luch I drove over to Radio Sack. The...
  18. S

    Gran Habano Corojo #5 Gran Robusto

    I picked this cigar up about 1 month ago from Liberty Tobacco here in SD. I had had the GH lines but couldn't remember which one I liked best. I got the #3 and #5 and decided to take the #5 with me camping over the labor day weekend to get reacquainted. Here's my late review: Setting: Shore...
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    Coolerdors, hygrometers, & air circulation?

    So, here's the situation: I'm getting together a coolerdor. I went to Walmart and got a 24qt cooler. I know it's small but my collection is very small and my apartment is even smaller. Then I went to my local cigar hut and bought a bunch of empty cigar boxes too keep in the coolerdor along...
  20. S

    Spine removed. Insert habano here...

    Well, I went and done it. I got married a couple of weeks ago. :hn I am actually a very happy gorilla. I am very happy it's all over with!!! Anyway, we went to the Cancun area on our honeymoon. I haven't been smoking cigars all that much lately but I just had to stop by the LCDH after...