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  1. W

    Vinotemp users: Your stogies may not be safe from impending beetle infestations!

    Sucks, but it seems to be true. I keep my Vinotemp at 57*-60*F, according to both its own thermometer, and a hygrometer/thermometer combo, and I just discovered a stick with a beetle hole in it. Luckily, the little bastard was huddled up dead in the corner of the box. Though the stogies from...
  2. W

    Something's been bugging me lately.

    As I was preparing to get a MAW bomb out, I decided to take a look at all my cigars to make sure everyone was happy. My CC's are all kept in a separate humidor from my NC's, which stay in the cooler. Upon opening the final box (which holds some of my nicer NC sticks), look what I found on a 601...
  3. W

    Marker's Mark cigars?

    Does anyone have experience with these? A friend gifted me one, along with a bottle of Marker's Mark (new favorite bourbon), and I'm quite interested to try it. Since it's in a glass, wax sealed tube, it obviously won't benefit much from age. So for those who have had them, Would it be better...
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    Avalon Honeyboy Figurado (very short review)

    To start things off, let me say that I was expecting a lot less (haha). I cut it with my Palio, and had to adjust the draw with the smaller Henry's tool. Now with a straight cut, and a perfect draw, the flavors started off with a kick of spice, and mellowed to a full tobacco taste with...
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    (Rare?) Box identification?

    Copy/paste from a friend: It's a Dunhill Seleccion Suprema H. Upmann box. I guess the H. Upmann brand was owned or licensed by Dunhill back in the day. However, I can't figure out anything about this particular box, despite looking all over Google. It once held 25 "Topacios", and the cigars...
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    La Flor Dominicana 2000

    LFD 2000 Series, I believe this is a No. 5, but it could be a No. 2 (.25" difference) Cut: Smooth and clean with my Oliva double guillotine (I realize that rhymes). Light: Cedar strip, as always. Draw: Perfect, very even with just a little resistance. Prelight aroma: Grassy, wet hay, and maybe...
  7. W

    La Flor Dominicana Ligero Torpedo

    I want to start by saying I sometimes take notes when smoking, especially if I’m smoking a popular (or unknown) cigar. My “amount burned” measurements are estimated afterwards, so excuse me if they seem off, I’ll do my best to keep things straight For those who are...
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    Mold? Plume? What's everyone's take? My friend thinks it's plume, and I agree with him at this point. It wiped off easily.