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  1. K

    Trip to Honduras

    Well the week has finally come. I am heading out for a trip to Rocky Patels operations in Danli, Honduras this Wednesday through Saturday. We get to stay at Rocky's personal residence and tour the fields and factories. I am told that we can smoke as may cigars as we want. So my question is...
  2. K

    Padron Samplers

    Hey guys I am looking at picking up a couple Padron 26 and 64 samplers for a buddies wedding in March. I would like a good range of both lines so that we are able to figure out which ones we like best. We are both avid smokers but have yet to splurge on any of these premium smokes. Where...
  3. K

    Best Carlos Torano cigars?

    Hey guys one of my local B&Ms is having a Torano event tomorrow an I wanted to know what lines do you enjoy most and why. I've tried both of the exodus lines just looking for reccomendations as I will be picking up a couple boxes for a split with a buddy. Thanks in Advance Brad