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  1. J

    Happy Free Box of Cigars Day!!!

    Just heard a great story! Just wanted to tell everyone that today is Free Box of Cigars Day!:chk:chk:chk Happy Free Box of Cigars Day to everyone!!! :bl:bl:bl:bl
  2. J

    My Christmas Present

    So my wife mentions something to me about her giving me her great grandfather's humidor for christmas.. which i think is pretty dam cool. Not only having the humidor, but being bestowed upon such a family treasure is an honor, in my eyes.. Then i find this out.. Her great grandfather was an...
  3. J

    Why not?

    So I was thinking... Why couldnt someone invent a hygrometer that could be read online.. Meaning, we all have wireless hygro/thermometers in our humidors that display to a "dock". could there be a way to communicate that info to a computer for example, and then give us the ability to read the...
  4. J

    Aristocrat question

    well, as all can read i have placed my order for my aristocrat.. i have been doing alot of reading on these things and have come up with a question.. I see that most people still use beads in their cabinets, even though they got the set and forget it mechanism.. i got the temperature controlled...
  5. J

    The greatest B & M EVER!!

    NSFW - The greatest B & M EVER!! imagine walking into your local cigar shop and seeing this, amongst the cigars....
  6. J

    So the order is in......

    Yep i did it.. i was given permission to buy myself a wedding present with some of the money we get from the wedding, and i got a cigar collector's dream. the Aristocrat M Plus THC!!! The deposit is in, the cabinet is being built, and hopefully will be completed a few weeks after the wedding...
  7. J

    Going to Holt's, who needs something?

    Guys, on May 20th I have a nice group of people headed over to Holt's for a herf.. If ANYONE needs anything at the store, please PM me and i can grab stuff for you while i am there.. There will be like 20 of us, so if they limit how many we can buy, we should be able to organize it so that...
  8. J

    i know its a dumb question.

    I converted a wine fridge into a humidor, as many of you are aware. My humidity is lower on the bottom, then on the top. (that is normal, i think) I have one fan that runs constantly near the bottom, mounted near the back, blowing forward. Still, the humidity on the top is like 3 degrees...
  9. J

    wine coolerdor question. PLEASE HELP!

    i have gotten some great advice from members here, and other places as well.. Another question, some people swear that u can only use a "thermo-electric" wine cooler, as opposed to the "compressor" type cooler.. Does anyone know for sure if it REALLY matters?
  10. J

    Wireless Hygrometer/Thermometers..Any Favorites?

    hey fellas, i need some help! I bought a larger cabinet and i am in need of a couple, i think, hygrometers/thermometers.. I dont want to buy one that i have to open the cabinet to see. I would like to buy a set that has a home station and two wireless sensors.. I am sure that you all have...
  11. J

    The First Annual "Klugs made me POOP my pants" Contest

    Yes, he did! It was a great prank.. To those who are un-aware of the prnak, i guess your out of luck.. Anyway, thanks to Klugs, i now have a pair of brown underwear, that i didnt have before this afternoon.. In honor of him, i am holding a contest where i am giving away some cigars (ALL...
  12. J

    Last Minute Grabs On The Devil Site!

    Like a swooping eagle on its prey, i jumped on 3 nice packages from cbid, each by the way with only minutes left!! very excited...
  13. J

    ISOM OR NOT ISOM...THAT is the question!

    Ok, so here is the dilemna.. I ordered a box of Romeo Y Juliet Exhibiton #4 from a ??????????.com. This site came reccomended to me for having genuine smokes.. To me, admittedly a novice, they look good. The seal appeared in tact, the habanos sticker was intatc, there was a proper date satmp...
  14. J

    which box should i buy?

    hey guys i won this month's raffle, so i have $90.00 to spend!!! Hooray for me.. Can ANY of you fine BOTL's refer me to a box of some good smokes for that price? also, i will need a site to buy them from.. i have looked at, as well as mrbundles, and jrcigars.. my preferences are...
  15. J

    Who Sent These!!!!

    Who is Jeff?? Alright, i know i already thanked this generous gorilla, but i have one question about one of the smokes.. There is the note that was included in the package. The only smokes i recall that were given to me was a Carlos Torano Tribute, a 5 Vegas, and a Torano Anniversary. I have...
  16. J

    seasoning my humidor

    Ok, so i wiped the cedar walls, shelves, dividers with a new clean sponge, using distilled water. I then filled the humidifiers with distilled water and left the wet sponge in a bowl on the bottom, overnight.. Now, the next day i took the sponge out but then put my Heartfelt Beads in.. The RH...
  17. J

    digital hygrometers

    can anyone refer me to a really good digital hygrometer.. i have one that i bought cheap awhile ago, but want to get a really good one, so that i don't worry about it. is there a brand or model # that you all prefer?? thanks in advance for your help
  18. J

    is this a smart purchase?

    dont worry about this post, i dont know how to erase it!! so i am editing it to say welcome back to ALL!!