Boveda Humidity Control


Two of these packets will keep a 50-count humidor at the stated RH for three months with no maintainence whatsoever. They're sold in 65%, 69%, 72% and higher levels (I don't think anyone would want the 84% packet in a humi). I've been using them for about a month now and am very pleased with the results. There's no worry about filling a credo and the packets can lie right on top of the smokes if need be.
84% packets are used to season humis.
look into beads for something more long term.

nice review. thanks :).
Kennmon has it right. Beads are best way to go I feel.

Might cost you a bit more, but they will last a lot longer and will pay for themself rather fast.

Warhorse545 said:
Kennmon has it right. Beads are best way to go I feel.

Might cost you a bit more, but they will last a lot longer and will pay for themself rather fast.


yeah, packets get expensive if you have a coolerador, it works out to be the cost of a pound of beads (enough for 10 years in a big coolerador) every couple of months.
I just picked up a 69% pouch for my small coolerdor project. I'm hoping it will work on a temporary basis until I can get my hands on something else to keep things moist in there.
I have a Boveda humidipak in my desktop humi but it's getting a bit old. The fact that it is not rechargeable counts against it as a long term humidity solution. Viper has beads in 60%, 65%, and 70% flavors. Just seems like a more practical long-term solution to me.
Ive found these impractical for seasoning anything bigger than 150 count and impractical for long term RH maintenance. however for seasoning small humis, nothing beats them because theyre so easy! Good post!
I've been using these as a temporary substitute for beads.
They work great imo.
I need to buy beads though, i'm lazy