Building your own humidor

The Rodster

Dear Gorillas,

I am only a young ape and hence my cigar collection is relatively small - approx. 300. To date it has been kept in a tupperdore plus three 30 capacity humidors.

However I want to branch out and make a humidor to store my precious gars but I am not an accomplished carpenter and this worries me.

I know that some of you here have built humidors but I am guessing that you are pretty proficient with your tools. Anyone out there who is an amateur like me who has built one before? Just how difficult is it? Can I find simple plans on the net?


The Rodster
id have to suggest a coolerdor. Get a cooler, clean it out with mild unscented soap, dry, add spanish cedar strips, a humidfier or two (large), and your cigars in their cedar boxes.

Building a proper humidor might be more expensive and troublesome than buying one at the local store or on the net.

I agree, a cooler-dor is probably your best bet. But if you are serious about building one you will need access to a woodshop with tools. Your average handtools that a regular homeowner has will not be enough. There are several good sites to find good humi's for a reasonable price.
For my cabinet humidor, I found a large cabinet at an antique store and had a pro install the spanish cedar. It works well and is very nice.
Look around for something you think might make a good humidor. I did my cab. for under $1,000.
If you have the tools, it does not hurt to try. I have done my own "re-build" job on a storage unit. It is a pain in the @$$ if you don't have the proper tools for the job. Trust me.

If you try to build one, always remember, OVERBUILD. Make it at least 3-4 time bigger than you need. You WILL grow into it. Don't forget, on a larger unit you may want to use a device like a moist-n-air or cigar oasis.

I will also add, I am good with wood, have the tools, and still use coolers. :w

YES, what OPT said. My father ahd I have a kitchen and bath top shop and have all the tools needed, but a humi has to be so tight I'm skiddish of trying myself.

I recently built my own cabinet humi. Here is the link and the lower hyperlink on the page called "basics..." has lots of detailed info. Also, there are several detail links of the project on there with rough diagrams and hardware. It may be hard to read but you can get some ideas there. FWIW, the cabinet works just fine.

Good luck and let me know if you need something else.
This looks absolutely superb! I've saved it as opne of my web favourites and now Ijust need to talk my dad into making it for me (he is a pretty handy carpenter).

The Rodster