cedar dividers?


Maturing Primate
just got some spanish cedar dividers to put in a tupperdor where I keep a bunch of "hand out" smokes for my buddies who don't smoke cigars, but always want one when they come over. my question is, will putting an unseasoned divider in agianst cigars damage them by absorbing to much moisture from the smokes?:confused:
thanks for any insight

How thick are these dividers? If they are rather thin and have been indoors you might be OK. Otherwise, If I were you would just put them in a new/clean trash bag with a moisture source for a day or so and then put them in.

Not worth the risk if you are not sure.
If you're talking the cedar plates that come in boxes of cigars, you should be fine. If you question it, just wipe them down with some distilled water, leave them in the tupperdor for a day or two without the cigars, then put the cigars in and keep an eye on the hygrometer.