Cigar age?


Young Chimp
Is it true that a cigar gets better with age?
I have a chance to buy some OpusX cigars and the owner says they are from 1993 and that they have been in his humidor since he got them new. Also another person has some Montecristo cigars that he wants to give me, he doesn't know how old they are but are still in the cellofane. Would they be good if I put them in my humidor for a while?
Is it true that a cigar gets better with age?
I have a chance to buy some OpusX cigars and the owner says they are from 1993 and that they have been in his humidor since he got them new. Also another person has some Montecristo cigars that he wants to give me, he doesn't know how old they are but are still in the cellofane. Would they be good if I put them in my humidor for a while?

Hi Earthdog,

Welcome to CS.

In short cigars do get better in time provided they are stored properly in a humidor at the correct humidity and temperature. I cannot remember if OpusX cigars were made in 1993, if they were then I bet they would be an awesome smoke.

Lots of folks, including me, agree that as a cigar ages, some of its harshness goes away and more subtle flavors become present.

Regarding the Monte's, if they were not stored properly, they can be rescued by re-humidifying them, however they will not fully recover. How well they will recover will depend on how long they may have dried out.

I'm betting that after my post there will be a flurry of replies asking you to use the search function onsite as it will provide you with more answers than you would ever want. Additionally the other members of the site would like you to introduce yourself in the New member thread as well if you havent already.

again, welcome,

Is it true that a cigar gets better with age?
I have a chance to buy some OpusX cigars and the owner says they are from 1993 and that they have been in his humidor since he got them new. Also another person has some Montecristo cigars that he wants to give me, he doesn't know how old they are but are still in the cellofane. Would they be good if I put them in my humidor for a while?

I would definitely question the age because the Opus X was introduced in 1995
Go to the New Gorilla Forum and make an introduction, also might want to read all the 'Stickies' to learn how things work around here.

Is it true that a cigar gets better with age?
I have a chance to buy some OpusX cigars and the owner says they are from 1993 and that they have been in his humidor since he got them new. Also another person has some Montecristo cigars that he wants to give me, he doesn't know how old they are but are still in the cellofane. Would they be good if I put them in my humidor for a while?

Smoke what you like. Obviously the Opus X thing is false considering the made-up date. If the Montecristo were kept out of the humidor for a long period of time they are probably shot. Never really liked NC Montecristo anyways.
BamBam, you are right, I checked with the guy that has the OpusX and I was wrong, the ones he has are from 1997. Sorry about that mistake.
1997, 2003, whenever if they are a good price I would pick them up many people have difficulty getting them at a reasonable price without age.

If they are close to MSRP I would pick them up - worst case you could offer them up in trade I sure many a brother would offer you a nice sampler for some opus - especially with age.

As for the Monte NCs accept someone elses kind offer and try to get them "back in shape" smoke and see if it works and if you like them. If it doesn't it will be a constant reminder of why its so important to take care of your smokes.

Plus I am a firm believer to accept the kindness others offer - I still have the taste of dreaded scotch mints in my mouth but I accepted everyone my grandma offered because it made her happy.

As for the age thing age tends to be percived as making good cigars better. However that is a slope best discovered on your own smoke your cigars, young, old, good and bad and determine for yourself.