Cigar puffing technique question from a newbie

I started using one of the cheapie guillotine cutters that you can find at any B&M for under $3.00. I've quickly come to the conclusion that those suck and should only be used when you have nothing else to use...

I upgraded, slightly, to a combo guillotine/v-cutter. This was under $10.00 at the same place. I really liked the v-cut because it opened it up but didn't really thrash the end much. Being nothing more than sharpened stamped steel, the edge didn't last very long at all though and it started ripping rather than cutting.

A co-worker gave me a bullet punch that he had. It was way better than the guillotine and have been using it for quite some time now. I noticed, however, that my cigars would heat up quit a bit quicker, and they got very bitter/acidy towards the end. I'm assuming this is tar build up.

I just got a Xikar xi2 and the two cuts I've made with it have been great. I really prefer the full cut as well. I get a better draw, it doesn't heat up as much and the cigar doesn't tend to get a ton of build up at the end of the smoke. I realize a lot of this might have something to do with the quality of the stick itself - but overall, it has made a big difference. Great investment. I would like to get a nice pair of scissor style cutters though. They look a lot easier to maintain when the edge starts to get dull.

As for lighting... I have a cheapie torch lighter that I bought at my local B&M. It lights well, but it really churns through the butane. I'm thinking about ordering one of those Blazer Torches and maybe a Z-Plus because I really do miss owning a zippo.

I usually get the end a little wet before I cut my cigar. I guess if you're cigar is properly humidified this shouldn't be necessary, but I like to be safe. I like the getting a sample before I light up anyways! :)

Lighting... I toast first, then keep the cigar about 1-2" away from the flame and start puffing. The flame leaps up and licks the end of the cigar and gets things rolling for me.

Puffing... I smoke too fast. I'm still trying to pace myself. Sometimes I'm so excited that I just can't hide it.... ;) Yeah - that was cheesey but fun all at the same time. :)
Any more advice?

Take the cellophane off before you try smoking it. Nah, just kidding. I never realized how hard it is to explain how to puff on a cigar. To me it always just came naturally. But these guys are doing a good job describing how to do it.
We've used a guillotine in the past, and usually we cut too much off and the cigar starts to flake and unravel a bit.

Hi SimFan,

Here's a visual description of how to properly cut a cigar - hope this helps!
