Humidity question


Young Chimp
Is 78% high enough to make the draw tough?

I went by one of the local shops early this morning (they were just opening) and picked up an A. F. Hemmingway. A very good gar bug the draw was really tight. While I was in there another customer mentioned that the humidity was really high and the gentlemen working there responded that the humidity shoots up over night and then as people enter and leave during the day it goes back down to about 70.

I should also mention that they store theirs with the cello on and the box was just about full so I don't think it could have been there all that awful long.

Beer Man
"Beer is proof that God wants us to be happy"
--Ben Franklin
It's a possibility, having the humidity running high may get the tobacco too "wet" making it tuff to draw. In my experience I have found that taking an overhumidified cigar out of the humi and letting it sit a while in the outside air for like an hour or so before you smoke it, gives the filler leaves a chance to dry out a little bit and provide a razor sharp burn.
Way to high...Cigars like consistency. If it shoot up over night it is because everything is closed and the humidity builds up over the six to eight hours. I would recommend that the owner raises the humidifier during the day when he has traffic in the walk-in. Then sets it to 70 for overnight...Nothing higer!

Just my 2 cents.

