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The Mayor
I have completed the first year of pharmacy school and survived! 3 more years and I will be Dr. Mayor! This semester was especially tough (19 hours/9 classes).
I am going to enjoy the summer in Charleston out on Folly Beach. For the moment I am torching a Monte #2 and drinking a Sam Adams Double Bock.
I am looking forward to more smoking time this summer. The cigars and fun have been few and far between and I have the grades to prove it!!
:) :) :)

Congratulations on the grades and all your hard work. Funny how the harder you work the luckier you get! :)
Enjoy you vacation time with a lot of good :al and :w . Sounds like you earned them.
Nice work man, after completing 19 hours of course work you deserve more than a couple of beers...

Congrats - man oh man - Dr. Mayor!!! Coming soon huh? You deserve a BOX of Montes for that one!!! 19 credits??? Youch!!!
Mr. Mayor.......

That is great. Can I call you when I need some Perks or some oxy :cool:

Just kidding Great job your vacation is well desirved. I look foward to calling you Dr. Mayor......
Congrats Mayor. My first roomate in college was a pharmacy major or at least what I can remember of that first year of collge :rolleyes: What a wild year that was LMAO.

Enjoy your summer you've earned it.

BenjieV ;)