100th post porn


Say no to curried goat!
Well, I was trying not to be a post whore but I got to 100 pretty quick with very few of them having value. At least I got a few people lighters?

Just got a package from the devil site. Winnings from last week. Dam, why did you all tell me about them. Not too impresive as I screwed up and got 20 empty cardboard boxes when I was trying to win 10 wood boxes (got them too. There where some nice ones in there). Also got a 32 count otterbox, gurkha platinum tubos, 5 vegas A, RP sampler, gurkha class regent torpedoes and a few other misc. items.

The slope is getting even more slippery:mn




Holy SHAZBOT!!!! I've give you a RG bump...but I've spread too much love around! Great catch and congrats on 100 - we're glad to have ya!
Did you buy empty boxes on ebay or the devil site?? I am confused..

Nice score on the gars though......
Wow,coolerdor project eh?

Bingo. The empty wooden boxes where to use in the coolerdor I am setting up. I picked up beads from cigarmony and a cooler at walmart when I was getting supplies to send to the Tiki Hut. Got a green one to dedicate in their honor. I have more purchases coming in the next few days. Some of the reviews on this site are so good I have to order samplers to try myself. Might have to shop for a new cooler soon.

The cardboard boxes where a mistake but some of them are pretty cool so I will try to find what to do with them.
Everything in the pictures was from C-bid.

This is the cooler I got but it is all green. Igloo 120qt sportsman. (doing this from memory so might be wrong)
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's an INCREDIBLE day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on the 100th... AND THE STICKS, TOO!!!!!!
I have purchased quite a few empty boxes to keep my cigars organized in my tupperdoor. It is definitely the way to go. Fill 'em up!
So now it is starting to feel like my birthday.
UPS just delivered my Carlito's Way sampler from Holt's
and a jacket and hat from Party Poker.
Hoping fedex comes next?
