5 vegas limitada 08???


I love Pepin & Tatuaje
I've liked the 05 and 06, but those are the last ones I had... I am looking at pulling the trigger on a box of the 08's with the built in ash tray for a good price, but wanted to know what others had thought of this cigar.. I don't usually pull the trigger on a full box of smokes without having tried one, but they look sooo good!
A friend and I just smoked a couple of 08s tonight and I gotta say I was very disappointed. It started out mellow but pleasant. However it quickly increased in strength, but not in flavor. The result was a bland but strong, rather pointless smoke. It ceased to be enjoyable with close to 4" left so I tossed it, an act very uncharacteristic for me. My friend was of a like opinion. I had really been looking forward to these too, they looked, and sounded great. Definitely try it before you buy a box.

I agree with others who've praised the 05.