50 Cent still $.99 short of a dollar

Well it got him some publicity in an arena he otherwise wouldnt get it. The last line about Cubans going well with KFC and Henessey is kind of out of place for a public forum isnt it?

I loved that last line "Because is there anything better than lighting up a Robusto following a dinner of KFC and Hennessy?"
You won't believe what alot of these rappers (and other artists for that matter) ask for specifically to have back stage at their shows. Most rappers ask for an eighth of some sticky :w
...I loved that last line "Because is there anything better than lighting up a Robusto following a dinner of KFC and Hennessy?"

Not much of a fan of his music or KFC for that matter, but the guy has some taste in cigars.

He's got no taste - period. My guess is he asked for Cubans because he knows they are forbidden and expensive and that's the kind of combo that these tasteless thugs seem to relish. I hate rap and despise the whole rapper scene, in case you haven't guessed. The last thing cigar lovers need is this kind of publicity.
The last line about Cubans going well with KFC and Henessey is kind of out of place for a public forum isnt it?

Not out of line as his dressing room requirements show 2 bottles of Hennesy and Fried Chicken (KFC or Churches) listed above the Cigars.
Filet well done? How could you???? Baked potato with american cheese? I'm suprised it wasn't Velveeta. :hn
I may be in the minority, but as an individual who has played actual music for 35 years, I can't consider many rappers musicians anyway. Two quarters may be a social commentator of varying legitimacy, he might be able to chant in a rhythmic fashion, but if you can't play an instrument, write your own friggin' music or carry a tune, you fail the test as far as I am concerned.
If anybody thinks that 50 cent sat down and wrote out this rider on his own you're crazy. This guy spends more a year on attorneys and managers then we could ever imagine. Riders are part of doing business as an entertainer. Artists usually ask for off-the-wall things in their riders just to keep promoters on their toes and to ensure that other more important parts of the rider are adhered to. If the demands of the rider are not met or adjusted and agreed upon by both parties, then usually there has to be a monetary payment to the artist. It's all part of the business. Like him or hate him...the guy is a businessman not an idiot. I live 4 miles from this guy and I don't know too many idiots that live in a 50,000 sq. ft. house. :2
He may have some qualities that a lot of people find distasteful, but he is actually considered a very smart businessman both inside and outside the music industry. He made $400 million alone on selling the partial rights to Vitamin Water to Coca Cola.

As for the cubans....hey, if I could get away with it, I would have it in there too :r