A Good Golf Cigar?


Any recommendations on a good cigar to smoke while golfing?

(I would like to break 100 tomorrow, so I'd prefer a cigar that will treat me nicely at 9am. :D )
Personally, I take a couple ERDM Robusto Larga's with me. I usually smoke one on the front nine and one on the back nine.

Hemingway "short story" or "Best Seller" are excellent smokes and don't get in the way of your swing.... They don't improve my game a damn bit though!
I tend to put a pretty good beatin' on cigars while I am golfing so I usually don't smoke pricey cigars on the course. I have been smoking 5 vegas torpedos lately while I am golfing. They are cheap enough that if I lose them or mess them up from puffing to hard, I just throw them away and lite another.
Great inexpensive morning cigars are a wonderful thing. I like so many different ones it's usally hard for me to decide; but here are a couple suggestions:

Helix Naturals Corona or Churchhill
Padron Fumas
Fuente Curly Head Deluxe
Gisbert Corona

There are so many more!! I usually find that something rich and creamy goes great with my coffee and the makes the first few holes better because I'm more relaxed and already enjoying the day. Hope this kind of helps. Good luck on breaking 100 tomorrow. That is a great achievement. how long have you been playing? I'd tell you what I'm shooting for tomorrow, but I still want you to talk to me later.