a little water spilled


Lowland Gorilla
After wetting and returning my foam credo to my humidor, a little water spilled onto my cigars. The ones with cello I am not so concerned about. The naked ones got a little wet. I blotted the water off and they seem fine. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Anything bad happen? The ones that got wet are my tatuajes so I sure hope they will be ok!
should be fine, just leave them in the humi to dry slowly

If you have a top tray, let them sit there. NO worries unless you see mold/growth. Then you need to smoke them up quick!!!

Don't feel bad about torching a wounded solder...It what he was meant to do!:ss
Happened to me on quite a few occasions. As Throb mentioned, leaving them in the upper tray of your desktop humidor should be sufficient as they tend to dry quicker. Another benefit of having them slowly dry in your humidor prevents your smokes from rapid moisture loss which can lead to cracked wrappers. As for the smokes, I wouldn't worry too much, they should be fine a few weeks if not months.
oh mark...I was about to ask why he didn't have beads yet too.

I know, I know. It's just that when I have money to spend (not too often), I want to buy CIGARS, not accessories! The foam and PG have worked pretty well, except for the situation that led to this thread. :tu

I'm sure beads aren't too far in my future though, especially when the humid summer months arrive.
That happened to me, I smoked one shortly after, and got a very uneven burn. But I let the others hang out for a while, and they were just fine.