A noob mistake contest


Pirate 200 years too late
I made a noob mistake this weekend.

I have even offered advise to others on how to avoid this mistake, and I make it myself! What a dunce!:rolleyes:

Anyway, my mistake will be someone's gain!

The setting: Saturday morning, decent day, clear weather, morning temps in the 70's, climbing to the upper 80's/low 90's by mid-day. Hunting Club, work day. Riding my Kabota, pulling a disc, cutting green fields for second time before seeding in the afternoon.

The cigars: First stogie, around 8:30 AM was a Perdomo Champagne. Nice, smooth, mild morning smoke. All is well, decent shaded fields, cool temps, disc is cutting into soil nicely. Second Stogie (now, here's the nut of the contest) will remain un-named at this time. This was the fourth of a fiver I got off c-bid several months in the past, last three were decent smokes, no problems. Now, it is probably 11:00 am, sun much higher, field I am slicing is tougher dirt (newer field we put in 3 years ago), bumpy ride, Sun is hotter, forgot my darn cap. Cigar just wasn't doing it for me, so I tossed it after about 1/2 gone.

The problem: Too hot, bumpy ride, strong cigar?? What is that feeling in my stomach? That cigar wasn't that strong, was it? Oh, no. Time to head tractor to the truck, dig into the candy I have stashed to go with lunch, drink a Dr. Pepper, get some sugar working for me! TOO LATE. Dr. Pepper stayed down maybe a grand total of 2 minutes. First time I have thrown up in 4 years (I can count the number of times I have thrown up in last 20 years on a single hand!!)

THE NOOB MISTAKE: Damn, I forgot the basics. Had a heavy lunch on Friday, trying to lose a little weight, so I had a light snack Friday night. Saturday morning, toasted a couple of pastries from the fridge for breakfast on the bus ( I have a school bus converted to a RV that I keep at the club campground). I ended up tossing the pastries, because I got to thinking, "these have been in the freezer for a year, and I do not know if there has been power outages that might have happened to make them un-safe". Ended up drinking a Dr. Pepper for my breakfast. That's right, I was smoking on an empty stomach. The ONLY benefit was, there wasn't anything to come back up, except some brown liquid (Dr. Pepper).

The contest: Name the cigar manufacture and the stick (not worried about the size or shape), win some smokes - say maybe 6, 8, 10 or some number of sticks:D.

The rules: Three guesses per post, two posts per day. TideRoll and NinjaVanish are excluded, as they have already been told the cigar. Contest will end Sept. 22, at midnight. If no correct guesses, the sticks I put together will be sent overseas to one of the BOTL/SOTL serving in the military.

Hint: N/C, and it was a torp (not that that will be any help!)
Gurka Legend
Joya de Nicaragua Celebracion
Torano Signature

or a

K. Hansotia Signature (I know it is a fourth guess, but if I am right, I will have you send the smokes to the troops anyway).