A poor review of long forgotten cigars


Say no to curried goat!
In case you missed my original thread here

I had promised to try one out and give a review. I brought it to work with me yesterday and planned on smoking it on the way home. That was a bad idea. It ended up being cold and windy and not the most comfortable weather for a wimp like me.

I popped the tubo open and was quite surprised to find that the cigar was in perfect shape. It was only stored in the box in a closet. I have new respect for tubos and will plan on picking up a variety of nicer cigars in future to put away for aging.


The cigar cut with out any problem. The prelight draw was a bit week. Not much flavor to pick out. I didn't know if it was because I was cold or the cigar.

The lighting of the cigar was a little weird. The moment I started to warm the foot up it turned a very dark black and looked like charcoal. I didn't remember seeing another cigar do this so didn't know if this is out of the ordinary. It lit with no problem beyond that and was good to go.

I ended up only smoking it for about 1 inch. Part was due to the fact that it tasted like I was smoking straw or hay. The other part because it was too cold and windy. I have been reprimanded for giving up on cigars too quickly and that I should smoke more of it before reaching a conclusion to my opinion. I just couldn't bring myself to do it yesterday.

I do not have an ashtray in the blazer and didn't feel like holding it for 30 minutes if it really turned nasty. I will not throw a cigar out of my truck for fear of a fire or other problem happening.

I put the cigar out after an inch with a promise to myself that I will try one again on a better day and smoke the cigar till finished or I :pu .

Decided to check the filling so I broke it open. Not an expert but here is the pic:


The final resting place of my aged trophy (the can outside of my work):

I would be willing to part with a couple if we have a couple victims to do a full review.
It was not disgusting, it just didn't really have any taste to it. I have heard
people say a thompsons is like smoking dried leaves or straw.
Now I know what aged straw tastes like.

Sorry for not doing this fully. But I will revisit these and do it correctly.
Wanna hear something funny?

When Thompsons bought Match Play from T. Whittaker tobacco in Portland Oregon, Thomas Whittaker had several hundred boxes aging in his....garage. No joke, I was working at T. Whittaker in Salem Oregon at the time and he came in told us that he sold the cigar to Thompsons and was shipping all the inventory at the 2 stores and inventory from his garage to them...we looked at him dumbfounded, none of us could believe that he actually kept them in and un-conditioned garage...but he did. Man, he was a piece of work.
So we have 2 suckers, i mean participants to try these cigars and review them.

homeless_texan and madurolover have beautiful thompson cigars on their way to them for a taste test. Can't wait to see the response. :D
So we have 2 suckers, i mean participants to try these cigars and review them.

homeless_texan and madurolover have beautiful thompson cigars on their way to them for a taste test. Can't wait to see the response. :D

:r :r :hn
So we have 2 suckers, i mean participants to try these cigars and review them.

homeless_texan and madurolover have beautiful thompson cigars on their way to them for a taste test. Can't wait to see the response. :D
Received the cigars from Dave today.
Of course with gorilla math at it's finest I received more than the review smokes. Here is the bounty
Tampa Sweetheart #4
LVH by Drew Estate
826 Slow Aged
Match Play heritage Tubo from Thompsons
Fore tubo which after some research I found was made by Tamboril
Ok Dave I will give these 2-3 days in the humi then review the Thompson and the Fore:hn

Wish me luck everyone. I will see you all here if I make it out alive.:r
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