A request from a CS Gorilla in Iraq


no..not THAT Dave!
This PM is from Rajin Cajun aka Nick.He's herfed with just about everyone that has herfed at my home.
For those that don't know him,he is a BOTL in the truest sense of the word :)
If some of you could spare a fiver,or have some sticks you know you'll never smoke please shoot me a PM.BTW I am putting together a "starter package" today so they wont go without for too long.
Thanks for reading this folks :D
Help me!!!
I really hate to do this, but I'm in a jam. The troops that I'm supporting right now don't have anything to keep cigars in. Most of them just keep them in their hooch, and consequently there all drying out. We have a smokers club over here, probably about 10 to 12 guys right now, but their all leaving within the next couple weeks. From what I hear is that the 101st Airborne Di. (the replacements) has a lot of brothers of the leaf, that should be good. Now for the hard part, can you gather up the guys and rally the troops and send some smokes my way. At the end of March to the middle of April the Marines are coming to town, and I NEED to convince them that I'm trading teams. Sorry if I'm rambling on and on, but this is the first time that I've really had a chance to sit down and take a look the forum. Tell Celeste and Zach that I say hi. I'm looking forward to herfing with you all again when I get home. Take care my brother.
Dave, I've got a new 5 cigar Herf-a-Dor that I can send you. I think it is a good size for packing and carrying. And I will remember a note this time so I don't get in "trouble".

I don't have much right now, but I do have some empty tubes I can spare. If that will work, PM me your address.
Heres Nick at the last big herf here.Hes in the middle.
Thanks everyone for the help with this,you all are truly the best there is :D