

Young Ape
Thinking of spending about $200 on some nice "things." Can't decide whether to buy one premium box, or a few boxes of MM's.

What would you do?
Hard to say without knowing your tastes . . Let us know what you like and maybe we can come up with some good suggestions.
Depends if you have preferences. If not, a good way is to spend it on the samplers they have at the Devil Site. For $200, you might be able to pick up 4-6 samplers, and between 50-100 sticks.
Hmmm...Good question. In your intro you said you had been into cigars for about 7 years, so I can assume you have developed a taste for what you like and don't like. If you were fairly new to cigars as I am, I would recommend getting some samplers and singles to expand your horizons so to speak. In your case I would have to say go with what you like. Either with a $200 box of something, or split it up and get a couple boxes of $100.00 smokes. You could even go as far as picking up a few more boxes in the $50-$75 range. Just my opinion....:)
I know if I had $200.00 to spend on cigars right now, I would get a box each of Partagas Spanish Rosados and RP Vintage '92's But that's just me..
Okay go to and order a coupla Tatuaje samplers; then go to and order a sampler or two of Old Henrys, and while yer there get a couple of the Carlito's way samplers. That oughta do ya and you'll get some damned fine smokes into the bargain. And don't forget you heard it here first. :D
If I had $200, I'd buy a box that costs about $130-140 of some good cigars, and get a box of cheaper cigars that were $60-70.

I'd probably do Boli PC's and some Piedra's.
As others have said, if you really don't have any favs to spend the money on, or you truly are not sure what you like yet, spend that money on Samplers! They are the very best deals around and will introduce you to a nice number of brands and a whole lot of different sizes.

If it were me I would spend a pleasant hour or two at my favorite B&M, shoot the bull with someone who has a lot of experience, and buy only premium smokes, 2 of each. That way you have one to smoke now and one to age.

I'm thinking Anejo, Ashton VSG, Hemingway Classic, RP '90 and '92, well you get my drift. You can't be disappointed if you go for the best of breed... Larry.:)
If you look around for exactly $ 200, you could get a box of 10 Monte #2, and a Box of 25 Sancho Panza, corona's.

Christmas is a great time for buying cigars, specials, hard to find cigars...