Annoying R.P. website

1998 called, It wants its cheesy flash web design back.
Intro pages went out with
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Not bad/Not great. Sorta like the Gamecocks win last night!

I will give it to him, he is spending our money on his website!
I was looking for the page where Rocky is floating in the sky on a cloud of smoke....yeah not the kind of design that I prefer for a website. Anytime I see loading when I go to a website I usually wait 1 second then just leave the darn thing if it hasn't loaded.
Funny, site loaded plenty fast for me. No problems at all with it other than I don't like the calendar setup. Be easier if locations were listed on the calendar rather than to have to click on each date. But other than that I liked it.
I liked the site. It did take forever at load though but I have a slow connection out here. I sent an email to them under contact so I will see how long it takes for a reply to come back if at all. I did ask to hear back from them though. So we will see.
I want some java enabled posting abilities so I can plug in some dreamy guitar song and my likeness will just wander into the post and thank you for reading and experiencing the Trajan Lifestyle™
Nice .. I wish I could come and go in a flash of light. Pretty strange for that to be the default starting page and not on some secondary "Rocky Welcomes you" page. The About Us View our Crew page is also freaky.

Holy Crap, you're not kidding! Like some bad acid trip!
let's be often are you going to go to the web site? I think that is tolerable for a once a year visit. :2