Anyone else accidently run a cigar through the washing machine?


I love Pepin & Tatuaje
I did it last night :r I got back from a mini herf with BagFullofPings yesterday, and threw my herf sweatshirt in washer and turned it on... About 3/4 of the way through the wash, I realized that I left a cello wrapped Oliva serie G.. I opened the washer, and wala.. still in tact, although seriously water logged.. Luckily it was wrapped in cello, so it was sorta contained when I pulled it outta the washer, or it coulda been REALLY bad :r

Please tell me someone else is that stupid :tu
Never any smokes but I have had a cutter and a lighter on another occasion go through the wash. Usually from my lazy @ss leaving them in there and taking my clothes off and leaving them on the floor and the wife just chucking it in the laundry cleaning up my mess. It's what I get for being a slob sometimes.:r
bwahahhaa.. I will tell you, I wish it was a dog rocket that was in my pocket though :( Ruined a perfectly good Oliva Serie G Maddie :(
Out of curiosity, when you say "wala" do you mean voila? I have seen it typed like that a few times on here and it always makes me wonder.
I came as close as I possibly could. Pretty similar story to Porrigity except a little better ending. Came back from a herf with and decided to go ahead and wash the clothes I had on. Had a stick in a sealed baggy, the ones you get from the B&M, in my pants pocket:hn. So I put the clothes in and then the soap and turned on the washer.

About 5 minutes later I thought I am going to smoke that stick that I got from the B&M. I started to retrace in my mind where it was and then sheer fright came over me:confused:. I ran to the washer and fished out the baggy. Luckily the water was still filling up and actually had not started "washing" yet. So I pulled out the baggy and THANK THE GOOD LORD my San Cristobal Clasico was still in good shape:D with the bag still sealed. I also was washing on cold so that helped with the temp.


Ive never washed a cigar but Ive passed out after a long night of partying with cigars in my pocket a few times and smoked them the next day with severly cracked wrappers. On a few occasions Ive dropped cigars into my drinks but we still smokeable
Wow! That could have been REAL messy. I've never washed a cigar but certainly have left other items in my pockets. A couple of months ago, my fiance spilled some food on her jeans while cooking dinner. She threw them in the wash. In the pocket was her cell phone and her engagement ring which she took off to avoid getting food on. :D
Wow.. thats pretty good. My wife has washed chapstick before... with the whites. That was a SERIOUS mess! :D :r
I've had a lighter, a cutter, and probably a few hundred bands washed, but never a cigar (at least that I know of).
I've run lighters, cutters, countless books of matches, and even a brand new cellphone through the wash. The only cigar was a Don Juan SCB Juanito. I left it in my pocket and it went through the washer AND the dryer. Totally cooked. A sad end to a very tasty little cigar. Worse yet, it was my very last one.
Ouch.. I would be really bummed if it was my last one too! Luckily I have more. I think I will smoke one today in honor of the one I lost :r