Anyone else hate having to take the band off?

As a newb to this whole thing, I don't often smoke one all the way down to where I need to remove the band. I have moved it towards the head til it started to get in the way before though...

I don't like it when it takes wrapper with it and that's why I often wait until I'm about an inch away. But otherwise I don't mind...
Note to self. Smokable bands.

Yeah, my band's almost always off before I light it. But some of the bad-ass bands do make me flirt with the idea of leaving it on (Ashton ESG, Camacho, that sorta thing--big ornate designs).
Alot of the time I take the band off before lighting.

As long as it doesn't feel like it's going to take wrapper with it I take it off. I generally set it next to me so I can admire what a great cigar aficionado I am, and to make sure everyone around knows what I'm smoking... :bn

...or I just stick it in my pocket to take home with me :ss
bands sticking to the wrapper annoys me. That said, on the brands I see more of that on, I will leave the band on until the glue softens enough that I can just slide it off without damaging the wrapper.
I wait until it's about an inch away for a couple reasons.

1. The heat warms up the glue and releases it easier.
2. If it tears the wrapper, I've smoked most of it.

Oh, I never slide it off!
Take 'em off, i didn't know you were supposed to take 'em off !?! I thought that if they burst into flames, that was the sign of a quality cigar!!
I don't, if I'm taking the band off means it was a good smoke and I'm going to gave as much of it as I can
I take it off before I start smoking if it comes off easily. Otherwise, I wait til it's about to burn.
I don't, if I'm taking the band off means it was a good smoke and I'm going to gave as much of it as I can


My "journal" of what cigars I like and didn't like is the bands I have laying around. I don't record which I've liked and what the ones I've liked tasted like - if I kept the band, it just means I liked it.