Anyone Know this cigar?


My sister (in her loving attempt to provide me with an over abundance of cigars - if there IS such a thing) has twice sent me boxes of these (see picture of band) .

They're not really dog rockets, but obviously not top shelf either - afet a little aging they turn out pretty nicely.

I was hoping that maybe someone here in the Jungle has come across these and has some more knowledge of them than I do.

Any takers?
Nice job, Kayak Rat. CS Gorillas never cease to amaze me with their knowledge and resourcefulness. :ss

Is that the cigar, Bud?
That might be it Kayak, It's hard to tell. I can't find a good image of the band on their site, and the box it comes in doesn't seem to match any shown on the site. . . thanks for the research, though I fear my quest for an definative answer continues. . .
Couldnt see a band, but possibly here.Cedro Cigars

If so, according to the about page ( on their website, these are Cubans:
Our company has been established since 1997 and since that time our experienced team has managed to create a name for our branded cigars and increase our participation in the cigar industry world wide.

Due to this labor-intensive character the preparation of tobacco takes place in subsidiary Cuba where the tobacco is received from the farms, it is sorted and classified according to its quality, size, color and texture.
Of course that may just be complete :BS

And here's another funny line from their "about" page:
Cedros Cigars are made like any other Cigars. Cedros cigars consist of the fillers, the binders and wrappers. The fillers and the binders are carried from the law material room to blending room, where the preparation of the raw materials begins.
Are these shipped direct to the consumer?

I don't think so, My sister who got them for me said that her husband knows a guy who owns a shop (or used to) and she got them from him - I just can't find anything out about them online, and thus the reliance on the Gorillas higher up the food chain.

They're not too bad when aged a couple of months - not top shelf by any means but I wouldn't consider them dog rockets either.
Thanks. I couldn't see anything on the website about an ordering process, or even where to find them.