Are they all like this?


Lowland Gorilla
So tonight I'm experiencing my first Tatuaje Havana VI Arista tonight. I'm finding it with a quite enjoyable flavor and body. It's holding a good ash and is well contructed.

My only issue involves the draw which was really tight until I adjusted it.

Still the overall rating is 'yummy'. :tu
The Havana VIs are easily my favorite Tat... Balanced leather & peppery goodness :dr Definitely try the West coast Verocu if you come across them!!!
Haven't had one yet. Thanks for the little review. I'm waiting until after the holiday's to order some of these...
Have yet to smoke an Arista but all the other sizes I have tried have had zero draw issues. Most burn problems usually work themselves out too on the Havana VI's
I bought a handfull of these when I was last in myrtle beach and yes, all of them drew pretty tight. I had to poke em!
I havent had draw issues only minor burn problems and one small problem with the room spinning afterwards :)
Never had this one, had a white label with tight draw problems, like blood vessel popping tight. Used a poker and the wrapper on the damn thing split over.:confused:
I smoked one yesterday at the B&M and the draw was incredibly tight. I had to poke and prod it to get a decent draw. That was the only one I ever smoked, but I plan to smoke many more. It was tasty to say the least. Anybody know where I can find them for a good price? Thanks