Are You a Member of Other Online Cigar "Communities"?


If you are a member of other online cigar discussion groups, please list them here so I can check them out.
When I first started on the boards around 4 years ago or so I joined many other boards.... I never looked back once I got to ClubStogie. CS is my home :tu
The first place I tried was CA. I didn't care for it. Then I found CS and haven't found the need to look any further.
I was invited to another board and joined up but I haven't been active.
CS is awesome. I really don't have any need or desire for anywhere else.
If CS wasn't exciting enough I would have sought out others, as it stands I don't feel the need to look for any other boards. :tu
When I first started smoking cigars..I joined another board... the i found CS, and havent been back since
Much like the others, I went searching high and low for a good forum. I discovered several others. From time to time, I revisit them, just to discover that the same messages are still there, with a deeper layer of dust settled on top of them.

CS has by far the most knowledgeable posters, most active forums and the creators have taken great time to assure that we have a place that has all of the amenities of home.

All others aspire to be CS. :gn
I've only been here.. Never even thought about looking at another board.. If you can't find what you are looking for here then ask your question I am sure someone has seen it or experienced and can answer the question..

CS Rules the Cigar forum world!

Clubstogie is like a home away from home.
Cigarlive {my opinion very pre-schoolish}
Cigar Aficionado {for snobs}

My 2 cents...
When I first started looking I joined all that I found, about five. After finding CS that was it. I was and still am amazed by the knowledge and generosity of this board.

There is no other for me. For the most part the people here are like family. Silverfox said it best for me in the You know Club Stogie is your second home thread when he said this: "when you consider buying a plane ticket to fly 3,000 kilometers to smoke a few cigars with guys that you couldn't pick out of a crowd of one".


I actually found one other one before i found CS. Ever since i've joined here it's been sooooo much better & i barely ever frequent the other forum anymore.

If i do it's just to say hi to some people i met on there or out of sheer boredom
There are other cigar forums out there???:sl Love this place and it's members. No desire to looks else where. All the good BOTL are here. :tu
CS is definately the most active forum i post on-there are a few others that i joined b4 CS that i still consider myself a member of-the dynamic is different on all of them, but that's why i like them, hey, variety is the spice of life!-one of them is a local board (relative to where i live, really makes it easy to herf together) & the other is where i had my 1st excperience w/a cigar forum-they are:
there's actually a bit of crossover between them all, i'm sure you'll see some familiar names

there's also a few pipe forums i frequent, but since this is the cigar forum i won't go into those here
One is pretty much enough for me. Enough varied opinions here to do me and some fine people as well.:tu
Like so many others I found CS first and was shocked at how everyone welcomed me with open arms. It really is like a family. Everyone is so generous and helpful that it is contagious and the cycle continues. I visit other boards from time to time, but CS is "home".