

On impulse, and for no particular reason, put a min. bid of $13.77 and with no other bids, won the damn thing, with shipping came to total of $37.41. Can't wait to see what it looks like, may be top heavy. Anyhow, seems like it will be a nice addition, can't wait to set in out on the lawn, stoke up one while basking in the sun. :ss

Very cool, is there a glass or metal bowl that goes with it? :ss

Not sure, think I have a glass ash tray that will fit, if not, then will take measure'mts and the next time in the area of a second hand store see if I can find anything interesting, refuse to pay more than few dollars. There are several antique stores in the area, although, suspect they will be asking considerably more. Also see there are approx. 7,875 on ebay, narrowed it down to 345 cigar ash trays, some as low as $3-$4, suspect will look for something metal. Gee whiz, hope the dang thing does cost
more few dollars, may not have been just a deal afterall, although as an impulse purchaser, something ya have to learn to live with. O'well:ss