BOTL Strength Needed


I Love Mondays!
Looking for my fellow BOTL to bring some positive energy to my house. Things are very rough around here and have been for a while. Not my style to ask for help with anything but it's to a point that I must.
My wife happened to get into the real estate market the year it crash here in NJ (about 3 years ago). Money is tight, savings taxed, stress is high and life is not what it should be.
Anyway, what I'm asking for is say a prayer, light a smoke rub your rabbits foot or whatever it is you do in an effort to send something positive our way.
God has blessed me with three fine sons and a wife second to none. I am truly a lucky man. I don't care to be rich but bills have to get paid.

Thank you in advance.

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You and your family are now in my prayers. Great attitude, focusing on all of the things that you have been blessed with!
My best thoughts and wishes for you Al. I hope things get better for you and the wife.
Stupid old cliché to follow; but you first have to admit you have a problem and ask for help. Congratulations for taking the first step. I too have known your pain. I know you will see it through. Just admitting your situation helps ease your mind. Keep the faith, cherish your family, love your wife and together you will make it through. If you truly have a wife second to none travel the road hand in hand. Don’t lead the way and expect to be followed, together is stronger.

Hang in there :tu

Hey Al,
May the Lord's direction and provision be made clear over these next difficult weeks. I know there are many feeling the same pressures - may your faith grant you the strength you need. I appreciate the thankfulness you have for your wife and children. Looking forward to hearing how things resolve for you and your dear family. :ss
May God grant you and your family peace, may He richly Bless your future, and may the rest of your life be the best of your life! AMEN!