
Very well said.

I don't post that often but I usually visit several times a day. Based on many of the other boards that I visit on a regular basis, this one is by far the most civil, helpful and has much less bickering and arguing than you see elsewhere. I may stick around a while. :)
Wow! What an awesome post. You hit the nail right on the head. I have gained so much knowlege on this website, I have bumped heads with a couple of folks as well. Even in the closest families, there will be conflict. But loving families always overcome and get straight with one another.

I hope to continue to build a brother/sister hood on this website. I find I am recently looking for more ways to contribute to the site.

I wish there was a way we could have a yearly convention or something so EVERYONE could get together in person. I think that would make us grow even closer.

Ok I am getting teary eyed now.

I have to admit I could have done without that visual.
Awesome heartfelt post!!

I fell in love with this place in my short time here and enjoy soaking up all the knowledge everyone is so willing to share. Hope I can contibute even just a bit in return.

- Aladdin Sane
Very well said, Brotherhood is a way of life in my Family! My Family and myself live by it everyday, along with many others around the country that we know very well.
to the op: amen, truly, verily

amazingly civil considering the dynamics, I'm very thankful and hopeful for CS
Klugs...just saw your original posting today. You nailed it! Even in the best of relationships there will be some friction on occasion. Quite often, that conflict leads to stronger bonds. All of us need to not take our self so seriously and understand that we all come here for a couple reasons...1) to learn/discuss the subject of cigars; and 2) to enjoy the discussions on the various forums.

If I wanted conflict, all I have to do is leave my towel on the floor in the bathroom! Mrs. Squid would give me enough "conflict" to last an entire year!

It's unnecessary for any of us to take this all too seriously.
I was the first one originally to post in this thread back in Aug. .....I had only been here 2 months at that I have been here 6 mos!!.... And I understand the post much much more!....and appreciate it! I'm glad to be a part of this community...It's truly one of a kind.
I'm thankful for this community; for the civility to be sure, considering the unchecked egos and lack of kindness I encountered on the other cigar board I frequented before CS - but moreover for the genuine kindness and spirit of true community here.

This place is worthy of not only our participation, but our support. I intend to do a lot of both in 2007 and beyond.
I remebered Dave's wise words when I saw this bump up today. Then, reading through the posts, I had forgotten what the backgroud for it was. Beyond just stating a view point, it was meant to heal (at least in my reading of it). I think at the time, it helped, both parties came back and started hanging on their branches again. Sadly it seems one of the two parties involved has taken, and is still on quite an extended break (since 10-10-06).

It's sad to lose any member of the Jungle, but it hurts that much worse when they are not only a major contributor of some of the finest posts here, but a FRIEND.

Sean and Annie, you are truly missed, and I hope you find your way back to us soon.