Can Steroids take the heat off of Cigars


Young Chimp
Here is to hoping that all of this Steroid talk and attention will take the heat off of any legislators turning their sights onto anymore tobacco bashing.
Steroids is taking a back seat to Bond's candy assed skirt wearing muffin excuses. What a buffoon.
Wacco said:
Steroids is taking a back seat to Bond's candy assed skirt wearing muffin excuses. What a buffoon.

Did anyone catch his pathetic act on ESPN bringing on his son and begging for the press to stop hurting him.

I just can't imagine Babe, Mickey, or Willey stooping that low. Than again they never hid in a backroom shootin up. Mabe he should have brought on the kids that looked at him as a role model and explained.
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miketafc said:
I just can't imagine Babe, Mickey, or Willey stooping that low. Than again they never hid in a backroom shootin up.

That interview was the best BB interview i've ever seen! :r Pathetic is too good for BB! I hope the IRS, the grand jury investigation, and his roid use(which it seems to be doing now with his knee problems), will eliminate his playing days! His career is and forever will be TAINTED!

:ms NCRM
Found this on another site.... Pretty funny...

Having written the explosive bestseller "Smoked: An Insider’s Account of How the Media Fell for the Anti-Tobacco Craze," Daily Times columnist Gil Spencer was subpoenaed to testify before a House reform subcommittee yesterday.

The congressional panel is investigating allegations that Big Tobacco is trying to influence public opinion by disseminating false information to the public through corrupt and gullible journalists.

Rep. Henry Waxman: Mr. Spencer, welcome.

GS: Said the spider to the fly.

HW: What?

GS: Nothing.

HW: Well, you have been called here to testify about some of the things you wrote in your book. Your controversial book. For instance, on page 7, you admit that you "occasionally smoke a cigar."

GS: Yeah.

HW: Do you smoke them around your children?

GS: Sometimes.

HW: Don’t you realize that you are putting your children’s health in danger? Or is it that you just don’t care?

GS: If you read my book, Congressman, you would know the answer to that question. It’s no. I don’t believe that I am putting them in danger.

HW: Are you ignorant of all the studies we have from the Centers of Disease Control and the Environmental Protection Agency that prove the connection between second-hand smoke and lung cancer as well as heart disease?

GS: Congressman, with all due respect, I don’t believe the studies to which you refer prove any such things. As the Cato Institute has pointed out, of the 33 studies of second-hand smoke that had been completed by 1993, more than 80 percent of those studies reported no association between second hand smoke and lung cancer. The only way the EPA got the results it wanted was by recalculating its data and massaging the numbers. If Sarbanes-Oxley were applied to government, former EPA chief Carol Browner would be in jail today.

HW: How much is the tobacco industry paying you?

GS: Zero. How much are you being paid by anti-smoking zealots to conduct this circus?

HW: I’m asking the questions here. You are especially critical of whistleblower Dr. Jeffrey Wigand in your book.

GS: Yeah. So?

HW: This is the man who revealed the truth about the tobacco companies and their efforts to keep the truth from the American people.

GS: What? That smoking cigarettes isn’t good for you? That truth has been written on every single pack of cigarettes sold in the United States since 1963.

HW: Jeffrey Wigand is a national hero. A movie was made about his life. His bravery.

GS: He’s a blowhard who goes around scaring people about the imaginary dangers of second hand smoke for money.

HW: So you said in your book. Dr. Wigand came to your community to educate children ..

GS: He came for about $12,000, Congressman. Not bad for a couple days work.

HW: Who told you that?

GS: I’m not going to name names. I’ll go to jail before I’ll reveal my sources.


GS: Bonnie Breit.

HW: Who’s she?

GS: She’s co-chair of the Delaware County Tobacco-Free Coalition. She offered me chocolate to write a column about Dr. Wigand.

HW: She what?

GS: I called her two days ago and told I was thinking of writing something about Dr. Wigand’s visit. And she said, "I’ll give you chocolate."

HW: How did you respond to that?

GS: I said "chocolate is addictive."

HW: And what did she say?

GS: She said, "not as addictive as nicotine." But, come to think of it, you might want to look into the health dangers of chocolate, congressman. You know, drag the CEOs of Nestles, Hershey’s, Whitman’s and Godiva down here, get ’emunder oath and ..

HW: So you admit that nicotine is addictive.

GS: I guess. But that’s not my problem with it. I say nicotine ought to be banned for the same reason that anabolic steroids are.

HW: Come again?

GS: Because nicotine is a performance enhancing drug that give the taker an unfair competitive advantage over their competition.

HW: What are you talking about?

GS:Nicotine’s effect on the brain is well documented. It helps you concentrate. And that’s why writers and journalists have traditionally been smokers. My dad smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for 35 years and he won a Pulitzer Prize. He wrote some of his best stuff hopped up on nicotine. Maybe his Pulitzer ought to have an asterisk next to it.

HW: Yes, but how old was your father when he died.

GS: Oh, he’s not dead. He’s going to be 80 this year.

HW: I think we’ve heard enough from this witness.