CAO eXtreme lancero


thank god this is a limited edition. I used to love CAO, anything they made was gold to me. This is made by perdomo (a topic that i dont want to start on :sb ), and the construction is terrible. pre-light draw was tight, but it wasnt plugged so i felt it was off to a relatively good start.

This cigar either burns sideways and very hot, or doesnt burn at all. the only way to keep it going is to puff on it like mad.

it has a spicy taste that was completely ruined by the heat and the terrible construction.

i will be sticking with torano rolled caos from now on. this cigar did nothing to relax me after spending a day on the computer doing a massive autocad project....makes me want to return to doing work.


proof of how well CA rates cigars and how well perdomo rolls them

Ive got one more left...Im going to let it sit and we'll see how it goes. Ive heard when these burn correctly they are damn good smokes, but until then.... :pu
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Dang it! This is one of those cigars I was excited about trying. I remember seeing that cA review a while back. Don't get too many lanceros, panatelas in stores here...

Hope your next one burns better.
me buddy back home went through about 5 before he got a good one, and he said it was great. this was a freebee from the local cigar shop, so i didnt really lose out on it.