CAO Extreme...


Recently I found a CAO Extreme rolling around in my humi.
I remember it as a gift from a Secret Santa.

Last Thursday was steak night at a local tavern. A 16oz
KC Strip for $8.95 :9

After polishing this off I pulled out the CAO (6x54 torp) and fired it
up with a JW Dundee Honey Brown(special $2.50 pints).

It had a beautiful wrapper dark with a nice sheen. I puffed
away on this stogie. It was good but did not seem overly
remarkable. It corrected a poor lighting job and burned
perfect with a firm ash until just before the band. Then it
went out. The little bastard!!! I tapped the ash removed the
band that had been too secure to remove earlier. Fired it up
again. Took a few quick puffs to get it burning again and then
held it for a bit to cool down. After the wait I took a puff
and WHAM!!!, big buzz. I commented to my friends that I just
found the Extreme. I took about three more puffs and was about
to wobble off my bar stool. Since we were down to about an inch
left I decided this was enough and my fingers were getting warm
anyway. They rolled the ligero right at the end. Prior to that
I thought it a good medium/full smoke. Since I had drank about 4 beers and the ligero buzz happened right at the end I decided it
was a good idea to let my wife drive home.

Over all a good smoke with a good taste. Not much after taste.
Not too complex, but I was BSing with friends and not over analyzing
the stogie. The wham at the end was ok but wish I had some of that
earlier with some of the other flavors in the cigar. This one may have been rolled funny so that it was all at the end.
A good solid B smoke.