CAO GOLD International Pics


Thats Officer ChestBeater
Hello fellow BOTL/SOTL I got a lil' supprise today, my cousin's boyfriend visited his home town in Nicaragua and brought me back some fine lookin' smokes. Just wanting to know if anyone has ever had one of these? I dont think they are CAO's nor do I think they are from Nicaragua, but they were tastey

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I dont know what kind of smokes these are, and my cousins boyfriend doesn't know anything about cigars his brother gave them to him and he gave them to me.

Those aren't CAO Cigars. Just a CAO box.

I had a buddy that had that very same cigar that he got on his visit to Nicaragua. I'll check with him next time I talk to him, but I think there's actually a Sultan Cigar Shop in one of the cities there (I'm assuming Granada...but I've been wrong about more obvious things before). If it's the same cigar, I think they actually roll it there in the shop while you watch.

He bought a box of them and they packed them in a wooden cigar box that they happened to have there at the shop. It wasn't a Sultan box. Probably like a La Flor Dominicana box or something.

I didn't get to smoke one, but he said he really enjoyed it.


I dont know what kind of smokes these are, and my cousins boyfriend doesn't know anything about cigars his brother gave them to him and he gave them to me.

Did some quick googling... the below excerpt is from the travel channel:

The Travel Channel said:
Sultan Cigars: What item can you bring home from Granada that you can't get in the U.S.? Samantha stops into the Sultan Cigar shop, just a few blocks from the center of town. She places an order for something that is really hand-made in Nicaragua - cigars! But these aren't just any cigars; they're made from 100 percent Cuban seeds. A box of cigars will cost you around $50-60, depending on the variety. The best part is you can see them being made - and then take them home with you.

Let us know how they are when you smoke em!
