Cigar brand and model pronunciation?


Is there a list somewhere explaining how to pronounce different brands and model names? Since the majority of my cigar info comes from the internet, I just read it in my head and whatever I say sticks...not knowing if it's the correct pronunciation or not. So, I'd like to not make myself look like a dodo when I go to a B&M and ask for "xxxx" brand and butcher the name. :D

I think I've got Fuente down, but like C.A.O is it "C-A-O" or "Ciao?" Pa-drone or Padrawn (or spanish I couldn't spell out if I tried).

Thanks. :ss
C-A-O & Pa-drone is how i hear em pronounced. the ones i have trouble w/are ones like tautuaje (don't even know if i spelled it right!)
Fuente - Fu Ent Tay
CAO - See Aay Oh
Tatuaje - Tattoo Ahh Hey
5 Vegas - Sinko Vegas
La Vieja Habana - La Vee Aay Ha Habana
Comacho - Co Ma Cho
Cusano - Cue Zan Oh
Avo - Ah Vo
Carlos Torano - Carlos Tor Ahn Yo
La Aurora 100 Anos - La Roar Ah See Anon Yos
Padilla Miami - Pad dee ya Miami
Padron - Pah Drone
Partagas - Part Ah Gus

Hmmm... I think those are the only ones I can think of right now.
Fuente - Fu Ent Tay
CAO - See Aay Oh
Tatuaje - Tattoo Ahh Hey
5 Vegas - Sinko Vegas
La Vieja Habana - La Vee Aay Ha Habana
Comacho - Co Ma Cho
Cusano - Cue Zan Oh
Avo - Ah Vo
Carlos Torano - Carlos Tor Ahn Yo
La Aurora 100 Anos - La Roar Ah See Anon Yos
Padilla Miami - Pad dee ya Miami
Padron - Pah Drone
Partagas - Part Ah Gus
Romeo y Julieta - Rome-ay-o ee Hoo-lee-eh-tah
Anejo - Ahn-yay-ho
Joya de Nicaragua - Hoy-ah-day-Nicaragua
Ramon Allones - Ramone-ah-yone-ace

Hmmm... I think those are the only ones I can think of right now.

A few more. :tpd:
lol, it's funny to see some of the anglicizations of the spanish, it's interesting to see how they sound to you guys. Not bad though, should be pretty helpful to those who are not familiar with the spanish language.
lol, it's funny to see some of the anglicizations of the spanish, it's interesting to see how they sound to you guys. Not bad though, should be pretty helpful to those who are not familiar with the spanish language.
:tpd: Haaaaa. You're right...I had more trouble reading the phonetics than the actual cigar names...I guess being Bi-lingual has finally paid off:D
Originally Posted by MTUCache
Fuente - Fu Ent Tay
CAO - See Aay Oh
Tatuaje - Tattoo Ahh Hey
5 Vegas - Sinko Vegas
La Vieja Habana - La Vee Aay Ha Habana
Comacho - Co Ma Cho
Cusano - Cue Zan Oh
Avo - Ah Vo
Carlos Torano - Carlos Tor Ahn Yo
La Aurora 100 Anos - La Roar Ah See Anon Yos
Padilla Miami - Pad dee ya Miami
Padron - Pah Drone
Partagas - Part Ah Gus
Romeo y Julieta - Rome-ay-o ee Hoo-lee-eh-tah
Anejo - Ahn-yay-ho
Joya de Nicaragua - Hoy-ah-day-Nicaragua
Ramon Allones - Ramone-ah-yone-ace
Cabaiguan - kah-bei-gWAHN
por larranaga - por la ron ya ga

Updated the list.
Which is french for mediocre cut :)

This reminds me when I read The Hobbit and LOTR for the first time. I couldn't figure out how to pronounce 80% of the names.

Mediocre? I'll save that debate for another thread as I am sure you are a Palio guy.
Fuente - Fu Ent Tay
CAO - See Aay Oh
Tatuaje - Tattoo Ahh Hey
5 Vegas - Sinko Vegas
La Vieja Habana - La Vee Aay Ha Habana
Comacho - Co Ma Cho
Cusano - Cue Zan Oh
Avo - Ah Vo
Carlos Torano - Carlos Tor Ahn Yo
La Aurora 100 Anos - La Roar Ah See Anon Yos
Padilla Miami - Pad dee ya Miami
Padron - Pah Drone
Partagas - Part Ah Gus

Hmmm... I think those are the only ones I can think of right now.

nice :tu
Wondering if we can revive this thread for some of us newbies...any gorillas want to add to the list?

Fuente - Fu Ent Tay
CAO - See Aay Oh
Tatuaje - Tattoo Ahh Hey
5 Vegas - Sinko Vegas
La Vieja Habana - La Vee Aay Ha Habana
Comacho - Co Ma Cho
Cusano - Cue Zan Oh
Avo - Ah Vo
Carlos Torano - Carlos Tor Ahn Yo
La Aurora 100 Anos - La Roar Ah See Anon Yos
Padilla Miami - Pad dee ya Miami
Padron - Pah Drone
Partagas - Part Ah Gus
Cabaiguan - kah-bei-gWAHN
I was on the phone with a vendor recently and they said:


and for a moment I didn't know what they were talking about.

Fuente - Fu Ent Tay
CAO - See Aay Oh
Tatuaje - Tattoo Ahh Hey
5 Vegas - Sinko Vegas
La Vieja Habana - La Vee Aay Ha Habana
Comacho - Co Ma Cho
Cusano - Cue Zan Oh
Avo - Ah Vo
Carlos Torano - Carlos Tor Ahn Yo
La Aurora 100 Anos - La Roar Ah See Anon Yos
Padilla Miami - Pad dee ya Miami
Padron - Pah Drone
Partagas - Part Ah Gus
Cabaiguan - kah-bei-gWAHN
Illusione - Eh Lue Zee Own
Davidoff - Dah Vid Off