Cigar Caddy, Drew Estate & Water Pillows step up for the troops


Fresh Gorilla
I would like to publicly thank these stand-up companies for eagerly donating to our troop support efforts.

First, one of our own - Jamie (Cigar Caddy) has donated close to 300 Cigar Caddys for the troops, a combination of 10-stick units for the CRS Platoon drops and 5-stick units for us to include with our regular shipments to the troops. Thank you Jamie for your generosity to our troops!


I had contacted Drew Estate to see if we could work out a troop support discount since the troops request their cigars. Rick Ardito contacted me and said they can't sell direct but having served in the Marines for 8 years he likes to hook the troops up with their cigars, so he'd like to send something out. This is what arrived today - many thanks to Rick and Drew Estate for this generous donation!


I also contacted Dyer Packaging (owns Water Pillows) and spoke with Kevin Dyer about a troop discount. Understandably, he protects his customers by not selling direct, but he did offer instead to send some out to us at no charge for our troops effort. Received 300 Water Pillows today - sincere thanks to Kevin for such a generous donation!


For those of you who don't already, I hope you'll consider their generosity and send some business their way. :tu :u
That is great to see the way these businesses support the troops.

I also would like to thank the members like bazookajoe who have gone above and beyond to keep up sending support packages for our troops.
Hats off to you guys!!!:bl:bl
I'd like to thank you guys for putting in all the effort. It's much easier to donate caddies then it is all work that you guys do.
That is great to see the way these businesses support the troops.

I also would like to thank the members like bazookajoe who have gone above and beyond to keep up sending support packages for our troops.
Hats off to you guys!!!:bl:bl

Amen to that.

Remember these companies when you make your purchasing decisions, I know I will!
Wow that really is awesome to see companies do something like this. Although I am not really surprised considering that these companies are a part of the cigar culture. Either way, glad to see it :tu