Cigar room details


Young Ape
I finally got a bit of free time and put together the web site I promised to document out the process I went through to build my cigar room.

If you go to you can view the web site. If anyone has any requests I can always add stuff to the site.

For those of you who didn't see the original thread when I was in the process of building the room, you can view that at
That is a great web page you put together, a lot of hard work just making the page I say! But thank you for doing it. I am planning on turning my basement into a cigar den in a year or two, and the duct and fan work you talk about will help out a lot.

Thanks again!

Bookmarked - I'll do something like this just as soon as I become independently wealthy. Any moment now...
wow, not only a nice cigar room, but what a nice little site.

Lightbox for the images?

also, I love the animated smoke on the cigar, very classy.

The Michigan summer heat isnt brutal like a Texas summer...It will, however, pay dividends when Michigan winter rolls around. Brrrrrrrr

Yeah, ain't a kiddin. I'm going to have to look into refinishing the basement with better ventilation for just this reason. I foresee a few "fact finding" trips may be in order.....:ss