Cigars, nicotine and crazy dreams

A few nights ago I smoked my first 601, the Red robusto. I enjoyed it immensely, so much in fact that I smoked it as far down on the nub as possible. It never got harsh or foul, but a wonderful peppery ever-so-slightly sweet flavor just intensified all the way to the end.

That was the good part.

I also wound up with the most intense nicotine buzz ever. I finally got to sleep, but I had the most vivid, scary, and exhausting dreams. I got my head split open while being mugged in Yankee Stadium (never been there), shot at by fighter planes before being blown up by a hand grenade, and, well . . . some other wicked stuff I don't want to talk about. It was all very real and detailed, and I woke up at about 4:00 AM and could not go back to sleep. I've never experienced anything like it.

Anybody here ever have vivid or crazy dreams after smoking a late-night stogie?

DEFINITELY. I have had very similiar experiences.

Nicotine kept me awake, dehydrated, needing sugar, headache, arms hurt (like what happened on psychedilics), stomach ache and when I finally got to sleep I had very tripped-out, vivid dreams. This happened usually after cigars I liked, might have smoked to fast and hard, and now usually don't revisit.
Tobacco was used to induce certain halucinations and does help one focus.:bl

I don't think it's the nicotine

Sometimes a nightmare reflects some unusual stress or trauma in the waking world. Sometimes it is just a result of small, niggling worries that have been ignored for too long."

Advice: remove cello BEFORE smoking cigar :tu(this really should be in the newbie hints section).

Seriously, I get nic buzzes, usually when I'm trying a new brand. It's like after I've had one, I'm now immune to that brand. But another brand that is just as strong will give me a buzz. Never nightmares, though.

Thanks for the hard candy hint, taltos. I'll give it a try. Semper Fi!
Hey guys, just some insight into dreams...

The nicotine won't cause you to have wierd dreams, but as someone has mentioned, simply allow you to remember dreams a little better since you are not trully asleep nor awake, but in a trance state.

We all dream around 10 dreams a night, the thing is we don't remeber most if not all of them. Each dream only lasts a few seconds (though some feel like they last hours...)

The first dream of the evening is the one you should consider, because it is that dream, and only that dream that has meaning. Your subconscious is trying to tell you something or sort out things that need to happen for your mind/body to function as it should.

The rest of the dreams are simply your mind processing things you have said/ thought/ seen/ heard...

So most likely the frightining dreams can be attributed to watching news with violence, or reading an article or hearing something (could be as small as someone falling or someone at the stadium or anything that might link it). Your mind will then create a little story around it (usually in a ludicrous way or with you in it), so as to file it and store it for reference if ever needed.
My dreams are pretty messed up's the epitome of random thought. Crap like being chased by porcelain cats wielding AK47s, steaks that eat people, radioactive porkrinds, being hunted down by the CIA for stealing one of Chelsea Clinton's chicken McNuggets...turns out that one had a microchip in it (tasty microchip though), etc.

Mmmm Chicken McNuggets....I know what I'm going to grab for dinner on the way home....20pc.
Hell, I do not remember the last time I had a dream that I remembered. That dream must have been a lot of fun. According to Sigmund Freud, you are holding back your sexual desires.
The first dream of the evening is the one you should consider, because it is that dream, and only that dream that has meaning. Your subconscious is trying to tell you something or sort out things that need to happen for your mind/body to function as it should.

The rest of the dreams are simply your mind processing things you have said/ thought/ seen/ heard...

I will leave the jury out on that, I would more likely put it towards random input into a mostly uncontrolled organic computer, spitting out electrical impulses in randomly unstructured way.
I think dream interpretation, other than most very rudimentary connections to reality is about as giant a pile of horse puckey as astrology, tarot cards, tea leaf reading, and the psychic emanations from any pet from the size of a gnat to a overfed Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pig.

Your mileage may vary, though. ;)
normally when i get the buzz and fall asleep, i just get knocked out cold and have no dreams at all. deep, deep cigar sleep.
I do get a buzz from time to time, I hate it. It gos with migrains. But I think the Sugar thing alot of guys are talking about helps alot. I now try to have something with sugar when I smoke. like a small bottle of Snapple or OJ.

Now I do dream from time to time, but not after a smoke.

What does that mean?

Are the space aliens talking to you?

You really should wear your tinfoil hat.
..... good to have a smoke when you're being f#($ed.... :r

When? You're doing it wrong. That comes after.

Regarding dreams, I'm not sure if nicotine has ever really affected mine. Vitamin B certainly makes them more vivid.

As long as I can remember, my dreams have always played out like mini-movies or stories, with clear plots, characters, etc. Always. I've never had any of those disjointed dreams with random images. Weird, eh?
Haven't had the crazy dreams, but I know if i have one too close to bedtime, I can't go to sleep for 2,3 hours.