Converting old fridage


Newbie in the jungle
Can someone tell me how to convert an old fridge to a humidor since all my humis can not hold all the cigars now in the house. Was wondering how others do this so I can make the best possible.

If you are converting a used fridge, make sure that you clean it out with a diluted bleach sloution and let it air out for a day or so before putting your stash in it. You never know what could be in a used fridge even if it looks clean.
I removed the plastic door shelving from one of mine, and lined the interir with mahogany luan ($20 per 4x8 sheet). The other fridge I left the door shelving on which I fins useful nowadays.
Other than that, clean it well, have enough beads to do the job and look into some fans for circulation. A PC fan, variable voltage regulator and digital timer make the perfect setup :tu