Coolerdor question


Ok so I've finally filled up my 100 count and my 50 count and I have about 30 cigars on the way...sooo I guess a cooler is in the picture. I already have an extra one I am not going to need until the summer (when I plan to get a 150 qt.) but I've never seen this type in anyone's pictures so I was wondering if it's air-tight enough to work? Here's a link to the type of cooler I am talking about because I don't have a camera haha.

It's the type where the top swings down to the side if you can't tell from that picture, but i'm pretty sure most everyone should know what I mean. So if you guys know anything about the problem I appreciate your help.

I would not trust it to be airtight enough for storage. You could fill it with water, close it and turn it upside down to see if it holds. Won't hold much anyway. Go get the big one, they are probably cheaper now anyway.
Go buy a nice Coleman or Igloo from Wal-Mart, Target, or Sam's. I've got a 82 quart Coleman that holds the RH within 1% of the 65 RH Boveda pack I have in it with 100 cigars(Boxes & Singles).:tu Coolers are the easiest way to maintain a constant RH!
I got a 48 qt Coleman for $22 and it holds humidity better than any humi/fridge I have. And all I use for humidity in it is a 1" X 1" chunk of floral foam. Yes, 1" X 1". The worst thing is that I have to wet the foam about once a week. What a chore.
Haha, I guess I'm gonna break down and buy a big boy from walmart....I didn't think of them maybe being cheaper in the winter that's a good point. Although I'll pay in the end because I'll have an extra 3 months with a whole lot of storage I can fill up...haha, so much for staying off that slope. Thanks for the help guys.
Haha, I officially understand what this slope thing is everyone talks about. I think I came to the realization somewhere during the drive from K-Mart to Walmart comparing prices on the biggest cooler I could find at 8:30 on a Saturday night. But on a positive note I got a 120 qt Igloo for about $45, so I should be set for another month or so. I also ordered another pound of beads and a hygro, but am I going to need an oust fan too or can I wait until there's more stuff in there?
Make sure to post some pics when you get it up and running. :tu

Will do if I can find a camera, haha....although it will look pretty empty compared to some of the great setups I've seen. Maybe by about June it'll be full at the rate I'm goin.