Cracked Wrapper


Young Ape
OK. I have a nice cigar... Montey #2... that has the wrapper cracked in a few spots. So, is it ruined? Or, it it still worth a try? The cigar was damaged in transit, and is not cracked due to being try or whatnot. (It's in great condition otherwise...)

It never hurts to try worse case you pitch it.

There is a cigar glue that you can purchase (I get stuff that my Mom used for making jam it works as well) may help tough to tell without pictures.
Just go to your local grocer or community hardware (not big box) store and look in the canning section for pectin. This is very similar to the glue used in rolling the cigar. Walmart or Target should also have this. The other choice is to go to your B&M and look for cigar glue, one brand is Cigar Doctor. The advantage of doing this is that the pectin will be premixed and come in a bottle that looks like a model paint container. Just put a little on the wrapper with a small (watercolor) paint brush and stick the wrapper back together. Hope this helps.
depends on where the cracks are and how deep they go

most cracks at the foot of the cigar don't cause too much of a problem - this seems to be where most of the transport damage occurs

further up the cigar can be more of an issue as the heat starts getting up to that point is might become more serious and expand - this is where I've seen people use Pectin or the cigar glue that you might find in a B&M (wasn't there a recent thread with pictures that someone used rice paper and pectin?)