Cubans not as disgusting

My wife is Cuban and loves when I smoke my cigars. She can tell a CC from a NC with a lot of the time. Just from the smell or actually smoking the cigar with me.

I think it's in the genes. :ss
I always thought real men smoke cigars. I've never seen such a group of pansies like the guys in this thread. When my wife says my cigar smells, I used to tell her to shut up, go outside, and mow the lawn.:cb Now she just walks around the house in full scuba gear.
I always thought real men smoke cigars. I've never seen such a group of pansies like the guys in this thread. When my wife says my cigar smells, I used to tell her to shut up, go outside, and mow the lawn.:cb Now she just walks around the house in full scuba gear.

But, "real men" and non "pansies" use the word yummy?

I think not.

Al :ss

04-23-2008, 01:34 PM Replies: 17
CFO Reserve #7..... a love story
Views: 419
Posted By crafty199
Re: CFO Reserve #7..... a love story

I definitely will. I'm going to make my way thru the entire line, one yummy bundle or sampler at a time.:D
I always thought real men smoke cigars. I've never seen such a group of pansies like the guys in this thread. When my wife says my cigar smells, I used to tell her to shut up, go outside, and mow the lawn.:cb Now she just walks around the house in full scuba gear.

I bet you my bottom dollar us "pansies" get more sex.:D

I am not a pansie.
I am the boss in my house.
Just checked and the wife gave me permission to say so.
Whenever I smoke cubans, my gf always says they smell like horses%@t and then sort gets a weird smile on her face :confused:

Carlos I think I may need your help here. :mad:

She actually grew up on a farm and it always smelled like horse manure, so it reminds her of home.
I bet you my bottom dollar us "pansies" get more sex.:D

I am not a pansie.
I am the boss in my house.
Just checked and the wife gave me permission to say so.

I seem to recall all of us ganging up on you at herfs to get you to attend the next one and it was always "My wife" this and "my wife" that. :mn
Whenever my gf tells me my stogies stink when i smoke, i tell her to go make me a sammich!

lol, just playing,
she just goes inside

Yup, that works real well at my house also!

pretty simple here, All I have to do is smoke aged, expensive sticks that smell good to her, she hates al else and lights an incense.

Which makes my stogie tastes like sandalwood?


I've heard my wife claiming that she can tell "the good stuff." She has never smoked, but her dad used to smoke cigars around the house when she was growing up.

At least she has taste!

My wife is Cuban and loves when I smoke my cigars. She can tell a CC from a NC with a lot of the time. Just from the smell or actually smoking the cigar with me.

I think it's in the genes. :ss

You are a lucky man!

I always thought real men smoke cigars. I've never seen such a group of pansies like the guys in this thread. When my wife says my cigar smells, I used to tell her to shut up, go outside, and mow the lawn.:cb Now she just walks around the house in full scuba gear.

Pictures! We need pictures! :D