Cute idea or waste of space?


I am McLovin
In performing research on a possible wine cooler to humidor conversion, I ran across this unique use for a humidor.

While I admire the guy for thinking "out of the box', I can't help but mourn the lost space. (I could fit more than a few boxes in a humi that size) ;)

My greif continued when I checked out the guy's web site - he has made more than one of these.

Maybe I'll fight back and create a humidor out of an old PC case.
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Well, they've been used to make aquariums -no reason a humidor shouldn't be next...

If it were me, I would use ANYTHING as a humidor... EVEN MY CAT!!!!! So, I guess I would do the exact opposite with everything!
I think this one showed up in a prior thread somewhere - I like the humi-PC case. Desktop PC cases are either very sterile beige or are overdone with neon and multicolored plastics (Alienware, XPS). To me, the humi-case adds a little bit of muted style.

I dont see the actual humi lasting long though - newer PC's throw a LOT of heat that would affect the adhesives in the humi long-term.
I would think there would be cooling issues putting a CPU in a wooden box, though the manufacturer of the humidor would rather sell them, regardless of use then have them sitting on shelves!