Distilled Water...Where Do You Buy Yours?

You can use your Liquor Still to make your water for the ones that own one. Just seen it in action the other day and asked my Brewer Supply store about making distilled water and he said it would do it. Just FYI..

well if you have beads, higher quality distilled water would be best since you don't want to damage the beads in case there are impurities, however i just buy the zephyrhills gallon
I purify my own urine and use that. I figure my kidneys have all ready done half the work ridding it of impurity's, why not finish the job? plus its free, minus the cost of the mason jars. :D lol

Actually, I don't have a humidor, yet, but I see nothing wrong with distilled water from Wal-Mart.

Isn't it, I don't want to say "bad" to drink distilled water, but because it lacks minerals, I believe it is, isn't it a better idea to drink normal water? lol, I didn't know anyone actually drank distilled water.