Distilled Water


Question: Instead of buying a gallon of distilled water and having it take up space forever until i need it to refill my humidor think i could use water from the britta filter thing you filter tap water threw?


Distilled is not only void of impurities and clorine but also of minerals. Water filters do not take out minerals. I think the closest to this would be a household reverse osmosis system (expensive) but it still does not take out everything. Buy the distilled water at Wally-World and save yourself a major headache.
I agree, the minerals in your tap water (especially if it's well water) can build up in your humidifier and ruin it. I really don't know what exactly chlorine will do but it cant be good.
I keep a bottle of pre-mixed 50/50 on hand, you can get it at your local smoke shop or online.:u
I had a pal of mine who was trying to get into the cigar thing half assed and refused to buy distilled water, he used spring water. After 4 weeks of humi time, his humidifier was moldy and the smokes were not doing good.

I would say just buy the distilled water in the bottle.