Does your preacher smoke cigars?

Our very own SmokeyJoe, a man of the Clergy loves cigars. He's the only Holy Man I've met that I consider a friend.
My preacher doesn't but another preacher (besides the above mentioned SmokeyJoe) RevSmoke enjoys pipes and cigars!! :pp :ss
My uncle is a priest. I always bring him a couple sticks whenever I see him and he always enjoys them.
Strange as it seems a simple question like "Does your preacher smoke cigars?" really hits close to some questions I've been pursuing lately.

I grew up attending strict fundamentalist Christian churches where smoking wasn't just wrong, it was a SIN. My dad was a preacher for 25 years and was actually told by one church to shave his beard or find another church - according to them "A preacher can't have a beard and be right with God!". (He smokes cigars AND pipes now and also has a nice liquor collection!)

Anyway, I've spent the last 15 years steering clear of anything that even hinted at organized religion. I went a little crazy when I left the house for college that first year and went off the deep end when I joined the Marines! Over time I've addressed most of my reservations about religions in general and my upbringing in particular. I've calmed down from my "party all the time" phase and I'm finally in a place where I'm able to objectively look at things like that.

WOW, I think I may be rambling and a bit off-topic. Must be getting close to my bedtime! :)
I preached for a small congregation while attending bible college in the early 90's. Didn't start smoking stogies until 12/2006 though.
I also forgot to mention my brother, he is in seminary and at the moment not allowed to smoke but has his humi stocked and is aging all his sticks for when he completes his courses. He is one of my favorite smoking buddies so I am anxiously awaiting his return to the leaf ( 2 more years to go). I did give him a few sticks to age for me so I wouldn't smoke them.
Mine does. I'd be leary of one who thinks it a sin in and of itself. Like many things that I believe are God given liberties it could be abused (smoking too much, but the debate would of course be how much is too much).

People with a legalistic view of the Bible (as if it is a long list of do's and don'ts and insists everything is black and white) need to lighten up, pour a drink and smoke a cigar. No really, they do, for their own spiritual well being.
I'm a seminary student and smoke cigars if that counts for anything!

Nope.....Just kidding Jeff..Good Luck.

Back to the question...a VERY good friend and the GENTLEMAN who offered to marry my wife and I.......jbo (Jim) smokes and is a Preacher.

I grew up attending strict fundamentalist Christian churches where smoking wasn't just wrong, it was a SIN. My dad was a preacher for 25 years and was actually told by one church to shave his beard or find another church - according to them "A preacher can't have a beard and be right with God!". (He smokes cigars AND pipes now and also has a nice liquor collection!)

I can relate. Much of my family has the same views.
Funny but I don't remember "Thou shalt not smoke" as being one of the 10 Commandments. I also don't remember seeing a "Thou shalt not drink."
I attend a large church with a few pastors on staff, and a couple of them smoke cigars. Heck weve smoked right outside the church before.... ohh the shame:tu
Our priest loves a nice cigar. We've had a men's group who had a couple herfs with him, once in the rectory when it got so smoky we had to open doors and windows. I gave him a sampler pack a few Christmases ago. Sadly, he was reassigned to another parish in June.