Don't give up on Cigar Monster

Not a bad deal, but it would have been nice to include a Davidoff in a sampler with the name Davidoff.:dr
Wow, didn't even notice they were AVOs and Griffins.

Yeah, not much good on cigarmonster or even joecigar lately. Thank goodness for my credit card.
I enjoy checking cigarmonster reviews for the deal...invariably it's about 50% saying 'tasted like a dog rocket' or something as witty. Why does Famous think they can unload their doggie doo on us?

Joe Cigar is much better though admittedly I rarely take the deal. I got a 10 pack of Perdomo ESVs a few weeks ago for $35. With I had loaded up on that one....that's a bonafide $9 cigar.
Cigarmonster yesterday was awesome--my favorite Camachos at two bucks a stick.

Then today they went back to normal. :)