El Hairo Limited


Home sweet Home!!
I was lucky enough to get a hold of a box of these very exclusive cigars. if you havn't heard the details..

"El Hairo is a unique blend of triple fermented southern Sumatra wrapper leaf with a Nova Scotian filler, all bound by tobacco tended to by superiorly trained Macaque monkeys.

The cigars are then let to sit for 37 hours in a box full of used barbershop clippings, thus the name "El Hairo". A unique flavor of Brylcreem is imparted by this industry first fermentation method."

The vitola I sampled was called "meatloaf" Well first off the monkies do a fine job tending to the tobacco. the wrapper is toothy with a nice oily sheen.. This could be imparted by the "hair clippings". Regardless it was certainly oily.

Well to cut to the chase this cigar did taste a bit young to me. I noticed hints of ammonia. the again I certainly could be mistaking that for "brylcream"?? I would classify this cigar as being "meaty" There is no need to save this one for after dinner. Go ahead and make this the main course. I think these need some more time to rest; Not sure if 37 hours at the factory was long enough, but maybe an hour or two longer in the humidor will mellow these buggers out. With that being said I think the potential if these cigars are unlimited.

I beleive the cigar industry will be turned upsdide down with the introduction of "Nova Scotian filler". I can only hope one day to see a Nova Scotian Puro.

Okay, here we go..

Looks like ABC cigars have run in to a little snag..

Ap news: 10 minutes ago
ABC cigar companie's new release El Hairo has been recalled because of an an E-coli scare. It is reported that the macaque monkeys hired to tend to the bails of tobacco, threw there own feces on the tobacco rendering it unsafe for consumption. This could be devistating to the Nova Scotian tobacco industry.

Story devoloping...