Emergency Surgery!

Hang in there, I hope all goes well. I sat in the waiting room for four hours back in 1997 waiting for my wife to have a rather large (fortunately benign) object removed from her stomach and it was the most excruciating four hours of my life. Then six weeks of recover, still brings tears to my eyes.
Thanks everyone for all your support!

The surgery went well, they removed a large cyst laproscopically. The surgery only took about two hours, but it was an excruciating two hour wait pacing in the waiting room. I was so relieved when I heard it was just a simple(albeit large) cyst and not something...worse. It's hard not to let your mind wander there when you have nothing else to do in the waiting room.

She's doing great and should actually be able to come home tomorrow.

Thanks again everyone. It's nice to have so much support from so many people I've never actually met in person. I should be able to get some sleep tonight myself!

Glad it went well and that big worries are over. the not knowing is the worst. Happy it was not worse then it was. Still think of yalls and in prayers.

Prayers do help, glad it all went well, for your wife and you. Its not a pleasant few hours in the waiting room or at home waiting for the news, glad it was all good. Don, Prayers for a great recovery
missed the thread, unitl now.

but it's GREAT to read that the procedure was a success.

now get some rest!
Hey Paul, man I am so sorry I missed this. Had my head in the sand over the last few days. I am really glad to hear that all went well and I am sending good wishes and prayers to you and your wife. I hope she has a speedy recovery.

Take good care of her mate.
Great to hear everything went well. Wishing your wife a speedy recovery and hoping you get some rest. Take care.